My Pins Online

My Pins Online Portfolio

My Pins Online.

My Pins Online are a unique and informative website; the content covers conditions, healthcare, treatments, lifestyle, fashion and much more, all relating to legs.



More Traffic
More Conversions
Lower Bounce Rate
Success Rate

What We Did.

Our website design team has created a new website and a new logo for My Pins Online. The new website is vibrant, easy to use and displays the company’s information clearly. The colour palette of the website is monochrome, we used this because it is minimalistic and does not distract from the information on the website. We also included hover animations on the homepage of the website describing the many areas of the company.

Our content writing team developed all the content for the My Pins Online website, the content is optimised to appear in the search results and links with relevant social media platforms. We also wrote 14 blogs covering 5 different categories, which are centered around legs and leg health. They will help people to understand leg health and make the website more informative.

Biggest Change.

The new website for My Pins Online showcases many new features; the main focus was the new design of the website, which fits with the company’s branding. We enabled hover and page animation throughout the site to engage viewers when they visit. The design uses a monochrome colour scheme to keep consistency and to give viewers a pleasant impression as they bring in high concentration; viewers are not distracted and are able to focus on the most important content on the page.

Full Screen
Sticky Navigation
Social Media
Hover Animations

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