How Responsive Web Design Improves SEO



How Responsive Web Design Improves SEO

What is the meaning of responsive web design? It is a method of creating flexible web page layouts, adjustable images as well as using the cascading style on media queries. Responsive web design aims to create web pages that can change according to the user’s screen orientation and size. Warrington web design in its website creation makes use of responsive web design in creating websites.

In Warrington web design, responsive web pages use x and y coordinates for layout as well as percentages for images as opposed to fixed-width parameters. Using the percentages and grid layout provides a more fluid interface that will adjust itself according to the size of the screen display.

In what ways do Responsive web design improve SEO rankings?

  • Multiple-device capability: Responsive web design allows adaptation of screen sizes. When a user is using different devices (tablets or laptops), your web page needs to be able to adapt accordingly. When your website can display on all screen sizes, it allows the search engines to crawl as well as index contents on your site quickly.
  • Improved Speed of website Accessibility: A report by a technology magazine-the Wire, indicates that majority of the internet users expect web pages to loads in seconds. If your web page does not reflect this, you may have a problem getting traffic on your site. Responsive web design will make your web pages load much faster on any device allowing traffic to your site and therefore leading to high SEO rankings.
  • Lowers Bounce Rate: Bounce rate is the number of times a user accesses a single page on your site before leaving. Google crawlers use the bounce rate in ranking your website. Un-responsiveness of websites increases bounce rate and in turn, lowers SEO ranking. Therefore, responsive web design eliminates this problem.
  • Increased User-Experience: Responsive web design allows users to use any device in accessing your web pages. It also allows easy navigation on your website; this improves user experience and lets them stay on your site for long by visiting longer on your web pages, SEO ranking increases.
  • Promotes Backlinks on your website: Building of Back-links on your site is one of the key strategies for improving SEO rankings. Google identifies backlinks as a reference that your website is giving users high-quality and valuable content. By doing so, your site ranking on SERPs gets boosted.
  • Eliminates Duplication of Content: When you are not using responsive web design, it forces you to create content for different devices. Doing this will significantly lower your SEO ranking. By using responsive web design, your content maintains on a single domain allowing Google crawlers to index and rank your web pages.
  • Boosting of Mobile-Friendly Websites: From 2015, Google has been using an algorithm that recognizes “mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal” on SERPs. Therefore designing your website using responsive web design will boost your SEO ranking.


Warrington web design concludes that responsive web design is critical in raising SEO ranking. It also helps you save money that you could have spent designing different web pages for various devices.

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