Signs Your Website Is Turning Off Visitors

Signs Your Website Is Turning Off Visitors

The online world is no doubt magical. There are websites that educate us, websites that bring cheer, and there are websites that make our life easier. But there’s also a growing cluster of suspicious websites waiting to prowl on unsuspecting visitors.

The audiences have grown smarter. They look for some telltale signs to stay away from scam and suspicious websites. The downside is that even legitimate websites could seem suspicious.  At Blue Whale Media, we are a website design company Warrington that designs professional websites. Here’s a look at some common signs of a suspicious website that we help you steer clear of.

Pop Up Scare

Pop ups are awesome. They help you collect some vital information about your visitors. You can flash a pop up to announce an exciting offer or to invite the visitor to subscribe to your newsletter.

However, make sure you don’t provide or ask for information that flags you as a scammer on the prowl. The thumb rule is to never ask for financial details on a pop up.

Missing Contact Information

When you are confident about your business practices, there’s no shame in making it easy for your customers to reach you.

If your contact information is not available on any part of your website, you are at a risk of being considered a shady business. Aren’t we wary of businesses that don’t display their contact information including a phone number or an address? Then make sure you don’t make that mistake on your website.

As an experienced website design company Warrington, we will make sure your website builds trust in your visitors.

Poor Quality Images

The quality of the photographs and images used on your website speak a lot about your professionalism. When you want to impress your visitors the right way, make sure the product images and other visuals used on your website are no less than stunning.

We have access to high quality licensed images to ensure your website creates the right visual appeal on your visitors.

Not sure if your website design company Warrington is using the right kind of images? Talk to us today.

Bad Design

A poorly designed website is sure no-no when you want to do business online. If you have taken up to design your business website yourself, avoid taking any design cues from the nineties. It’s best to hire a professional website design company Warrington.

Odd typography, oodles of animation and other outdated design elements are all signs of unprofessional and amateur business practices. Stay away from such design disasters.

Contact Blue Whale Media

We are your trusted website design company Warrington. Take your business online with a professionally designed website. Contact Blue Whale Media here or call 019250 552050 now to get started.

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