Types of Social Media Content That Work The Best

Types of Social Media Content That Work The Best

Social Media is such a diverse topic and what content you post depends on the company and the services you offer. However, the end result is always the same. People want higher engagement and interaction with every post. This is all easily said but producing the right content is so important as that could be the difference in getting likes and comments to getting nothing at all. If you want to see a rise in engagement with your posts, you need to find out what social media content works best for you.

Interactive Content

Interactive content is key for any company. Trying to find a way to incorporate your audience is always a good thing as they can actively connect with your content. In the past year, there has been a rise in interactive content. You’ve probably noticed a lot more quizzes, polls and competitions amongst social media and it’s fair to say that a lot of audience members enjoy joining in with them. Interactive content is a great way to boost engagement as your audience will feel like their interaction is worth it and they get something back.

Interactive Facebook Poll post

News Articles

Another type of content that works well is new articles. The articles can either be created by yourself or shared by someone else who is connected to the industry you work in. A great platform to do this is on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is full of fresh articles that can give people advice or just update you on the latest trends within your industry. Try doing this with your company and see how people react.


A piece of social content that always works is posting about your company achievements. Whether it’s a business award, online course, charity work or new members of staff, it’s important to showcase your achievements to your audience. Again this is something that LinkedIn is perfect for but it can be posted on a variety of social platforms. By posting content like this, it gives you the chance to show your audience the development of the company and impress new visitors.


Another popular piece of social content is Infographics. As humans process visuals faster than words, it makes sense to push this on your social media. Infographics can be created to be relatable to your company no matter what industry you’re in. A lot of infographics contain percentages that usually inform the audience and maybe tell them something they didn’t know. Just make sure that when you are creating infographics, they are not overloaded with words as this will defeat the purpose.

Blue Whale Media Podcast Graphics on Instagram
Work Projects 

Finally, some social content that every company can write about is work projects. No matter what industry you’re in, you’ll have examples of the work you have done for clients or the products that you offer. Showcasing what you do might seem basic but it’s so important to let people see what you can do. By doing this, it means potential customers can see your work and that might help them go to your company over someone else. It also keeps your current customers up to date on any new service or product you might have introduced.