Social Media Marketing & You – What is Social Media Marketing?

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Social Media Marketing & You – What is Social Media Marketing?

We all know what social media is – think of the big websites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Everyone uses social media, which makes it a very important and valuable marketing tool. Social Media Marketing is simply taking advantage of social media to advertise and raise awareness of your business. This can be simply creating a profile/page for your business on social media or directly advertising on social media websites.

What can SMM do for you?

  • Increase Brand Awareness

SMM is great for establishing and boosting your business’ brand image and awareness by being visible, reachable and vocal on social media.

  • Customer Engagement

SMM is perfect for reaching out to your customers in a friendly and familiar environment. Social media can be used to keep your customers up to date on the latest business news, as a method for complaints, etc. A high number of social media followers can also improve the trust and credibility of your business.

  • Reaching your target audience

Through social media features such as hashtags, it is easy for a business to reach out to their specific target audience.

  • Brand loyalty

It has been proven that business which utilizes social media enjoy higher brand loyalty than the business without social media.

  • Access to new customers

Simply using social media to show off your business, services and products can expose your business to new customers. Social media is a quick and easy way to show potential customers exactly what your business can do for them. This will also increase your website traffic.

  • Higher conversion rates

Similar to brand loyalty, business with active social media profiles also have higher rates of turning viewers into customers. This has been identified as an effect of humanization – the brand is seen as more “human” as it is interacting with customers on social media just like everyone else.

What can we do for you?

Now you know all about social media marketing, you might be asking yourself: “how can this fantastic web design agency help my business with social media marketing?” Well, ask no more! This is what our team can do for you:

  • Campaign creation

Our team will handle the creation and implementation of social media marketing campaigns across multiple platforms. Our campaigns are built on your visions as the foundation.

  • Campaign monitoring

Once the campaign has started, we keep a close eye on performance, making changes when necessary to ensure your business gets the most out the campaign

  • Brand image

Your brand image is in good hands with our team. We ensure your campaign puts out the message your brand wants to put out.

  • Reporting and analysis

Our team analyses the effectiveness of your campaign using the latest analytical software and report straight back to you. You will always be kept in the loop about how your campaign is performing with details and statistics.

  • Cross-channel

We expand our social media campaigns to take advantage of all the different platforms of social media. This ensures that your business’ voice can be heard everywhere and maximizes the impact of your campaign. Platforms we use include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and more.

If you would like to find out more about Social Media Marketing or our other marketing services you can visit our website or call us on 01925 552050.

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