Steps Of A Website Build

Steps Of A Website Build

When a new client signs up with Blue Whale Media for a website there are six steps that need to be completed before the project can be passed over to our design team to start the website build.

Step One

When a client has signed up they will be passed over to myself as I will be their account manager. I will send a welcome email to the client to introduce myself as well as give them a breakdown of everything we will need from them. Attached to the email will be an information request sheet and a logo questionnaire.


Every client will have their own folder in Dropbox with us. This folder is then shared with the client so they have access to upload information.

The first thing that needs to be completed is the Information Request Sheet. The client should try and give as much detail when completing this as this requests colours, designs, pages, contact information etc. This information will get passed to the designer who will follow the information given when deciding upon a design, colour scheme, fonts and features for the website.

Step Two

Every website needs a logo.  This brands the company and can also be used for social media, business cards, banners, leaflets etc.

Some clients will sign up with a logo already if this is the case we will get the client to send over their current logo, and if needed it will be recreated by our graphic designer into a high-resolution file.

If a client is starting from scratch and doesn’t have a logo they are asked to complete the logo questionnaire form and if they have any ideas in mind to send them over. This is the client’s opportunity to give our graphic designers an understanding of their style requirements. The More information a client provided the better as it normally means we can produce something more in line with their requirements from the off-set.

Step Three

All websites need content. Content is the text that people who you’re your website read.

Each page of the website will need content this is to be supplied by the Client in separate word documents titled per page. This allows us to verify easily that we have all the content before passing the project over for build, but it also makes it easier for the designers as they will be 100% sure of which content is for where on the website.

It is important that the content is informative and interesting to keep their potential customers reading and on the website.

Some clients do struggle when it comes to writing content which is why Blue Whale Media has an in-house content writer who is highly qualified and skilled. This is an additional billable services, but it can be a great help to people who do not have the time or ability to write their own content.

If a client does decide to have the content written by our content writer they will get the content to check, amend and approve before it is passed over to the design team to build the website.

We normally find that website which have had the content written by our in house content writers tend to get passed over for build a lot quicker than those where we are waiting on the client to write the content.

Step Four

For a website to be eye catching it needs images. We ask all clients to supply images for each website page they are having. We usually ask for between 3-5 images per page. This is so our designer has a few images to work with and choose from to suit the design.

Some customers don’t have any images when starting out. Here at Blue Whale Media we have a subscription to an image bank, where our clients can choose images for the website. We do not limit our client on the amount of images they can choose and the cost is all included within the price they paid for their website.

Step 5

Before any project can be built our team will need to have 2-4 website examples. These are websites that clients like the look of. We ask for specific information on which features of design elements they like from each. This enables our design team to include those features and come with a design in line with our client’s style requirements. This is only a starting point for our design team but it helps.

Step 6

Once the client thinks they have supplied everything needed, I will have one final review of their folder and information supplied. If I am happy that we have everything I will then confirm with the designers and once they are happy, the client will receive an email confirming they have been passed over to build. Shortly after the client will receive the first look of their homepage, which they can then review and suggest amendments.

Hope this explains the design process for you all. If you would like any more information contact us on 01925 552050.