Your Tax Shop Charity Ball

Your Tax Shop Charity Ball

Your Tax Shop offers a wide range of accountancy and tax-related services for businesses. The company was founded in 2011 in Mossley. After steady success, the company opened another office in Ashton.

Blue Whale Media partnered with Your Tax Shop to design their website. The company wanted a website that offered the best experience for its visitors and presented its services in a simple and clear way.


Blue Whale Media made use of real custom images to convey client’s message of being a friendly team of tax professionals that one can rely on for expert guidance and solutions.

The website is mobile-friendly – it adjusts itself to the mobile device screen and enables users to view the website without pinching or scrolling their device screens frequently.

The website has clear and well-placed calls-to-action to attract conversion-ready visitors. Social media integration feature enables the client to present company’s up-to-date YouTube videos on the website itself, leading to better user engagement.

Your Tax Shop is very happy with the results and we have developed a trustworthy working relationship over the years. The company is currently in the process of organising its popular annual charity ball.

More about the Annual Charity Ball Event

This is a fundraising event slated for October 27, 2017. The theme for the event is Halloween. Your Tax Shop conducted a similar event last year and it was a roaring success. Boosted by the overwhelming response, the company has decided to organise the event this year too.

In addition to Halloween celebration, the event will also have a luxury raffle, photo sessions, a 4-course meal, cocktail bar and a live performance by The Real Thing.

A Fundraising Event for Children and the Sick

Your Tax Shop is organising this event to raise funds for Willow Wood Hospice and Variety Vixens. Willow Wood Hospice caters to terminally ill patients by providing them with a homely environment and enabling them to lead their lives with freedom and dignity. The Hospice also offers bereavement counselling to people suffering from the loss of loved ones to illnesses.

Variety Children’s Charity caters to the needs of underprivileged children by providing practical facilities. They also provide funding aid to children’s hospitals.

The annual fundraising event by Your Tax Shop enables these charities to remain committed to their cause and help more people successfully.

Your Tax Shop is committed to making the fundraising event a huge success. The team is working relentlessly on organising an event that is fun, entertaining and ensures a great time for guests.

More details about the event can be obtained by calling 0161 339 5689!

Here’s Blue Whale Media wishing Your Tax Shop event great success!

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