Team Activities at Blue Whale Media

Team Activities at Blue Whale Media

If you follow us on social media, then you will know by now that we love our team building activities! As the Blue Whale Media team has grown over the years, we are getting more involved with local events as well as raising money for local charities. It’s not only been great for team building, but it’s also been a great way to get our name out there! Take a look at this blog to see what we’ve been up to this year so far.


Our first big charity fundraising event was our walk-up Snowdon. On Friday 20th April, the Blue Whale Media team tackled Mount Snowdon to raise money for a local charity, Warrington Animal Welfare. We started at 9 am sharp and managed to reach the top in 2 and a half hours. For me, it was a struggle! I have never taken on any challenge like this, so I was shocked on hard I found the whole experience. For others like Holli, she raced up the mountain, literally! However, the help of one of our office dogs, George came in handy as it was great to see him enjoying himself. We also got some great footage from our Blue Whale Parrot Drone which is now available on our Facebook page and website. Altogether we raised £500 for Warrington Animal Welfare as well as the additional donation from Blue Whale Media which brought the total up to £1000. Find out more about the event in our blog. 

Birchwood 5K Fun Run

After completing the challenge of Snowdon, we wanted to do more and continue raising money for charity in a fun way that helped with team building. As our offices are based in Birchwood, we found a 5K Fun Run that was open to local businesses. We decided to enter, and I have to say it was a great day! Although I didn’t run myself, I took great pleasure in helping to organise everything. Myself and Stef arranged for the team members to run the 5K dressed as Gru, Minions and a banana. It was hilarious to see, but we are so proud of them for completing it in the outfits, especially when the weather was so hot! If you want to see the pictures, be sure to head over to our Facebook page. 

Alzheimer’s Society Cupcake Day

Moving away from sports and fitness, we also decided to participate in the Alzheimer’s Society Cupcake Day. This involved some members of the team baking their own cupcakes and decorating them in any style they wanted to. We had Stef who created rainbow & sweets cupcakes (some of them even had Rum in!), we had Holli who baked 3 types of cupcakes – Oreo, Jammy Dodger, and Cookie, then we had Lewis who created chocolate and fudge, Danielle who bought a fun twist on the chocolate cupcake and finally myself who made chocolate cookie cupcakes. Once we had shared them around the office for people to buy, myself and Holli headed out to the neighboring companies with the cupcakes in one hand and a money pot in the other. We were overwhelmed by the amount of support we got and managed to sell all cupcakes bringing a total amount of £105.00 raised for the Alzheimer’s Society!

Football Tournament

Our most recent charity event was the Birchwood Park Football Tournament. The was put in place to raise money for Alder Hey Children’s Charity and Zoe’s Place Hospice. In our five a side team we had Gary, Joe, Niccolo, Lewis, Luke, and Josh. At 11:00 am they were off! As the games went on, we seemed to be getting through more stages until we reached the final and at this point, almost the whole Blue Whale Media team came to support them. Unfortunately, we lost the final, but we were so proud of them getting there and how they kept their spirits up all the way through. It was a great day, and everyone managed to raise £300 for the chosen charities.

Upcoming Events

Now we’ve completed a few events for charity; we are looking forward to participating in more! Coming up we have a few more fun runs’, a Macmillan coffee morning, a potential skydive and a climb up Ben Nevis! Be sure to keep up to date with all our charity events on our Facebook page at 

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