The Benefits of Having Dogs In The Office

The Benefits of Having Dogs In The Office

If you follow us on social media or have visited our ‘Meet The Team‘ page, then you’ll know by now that we treasure our three office dogs – Molly, George, and Sid. Having these three in the office is one of the best things about working at Blue Whale Media, and I think all the members of staff will agree. Having dogs around the office is said to be valuable on many levels which is why this blog will tell you the main benefits of allowing dogs in the office.

Lowering Stress Levels

Dogs can bring out the best in people, but they can also help with stress levels. In any working situation, there is bound to be some stress and what better way to help then with a friendly pup! It was researched at Virginia Commonwealth University, that employees who brought their dog to the workplace felt less stressed than employees who left them at home. From my experience, having our office dogs helps to take my mind off stressful tasks as they give the breathing space you need during your working hours. Not only that but it is good for your brain to take regular breaks so by having a few moments with the office dogs, it can clear your head and let you have that pause that you need.

Boosting Your Exercise

Having dogs in the office are great for your stress levels and also your exercise and health. Let’s be honest, all dogs love going for a walk, and our office dogs fall under this umbrella. The moment the lead is brought out for Molly, all three of them are running to the door with their tails in the air! By having dogs in the office, it motivates employees to take them for a walk which will not only benefit them but you as well. It turns it into exercise for you and can improve your health as by walking for a few minutes every day can get you out of the office and up on your feet which can sometimes be difficult to do. A lot of our staff members love taking the dogs for a walk in their break time, especially when the weather is being kind to us.

Bringing People Together

There are many benefits for the health and happiness of employees but having dogs in the office can also benefit the social aspect. In our office, there’s always talk about the dogs, and especially when a new member joins the team, that’s one of the main things they love to talk about. Studies show that dogs can improve satisfaction, trust, and interaction within teams. With our experience, the dogs to help bring people together and start conversions that bring people out of their shell. We always have those funny moments within the office where one of the dogs does something funny, and there’s a brand new conversation that starts. Not only that but when a new person joins the team, the dogs are always there to give them a friendly welcome.

Marketing Benefits

When it comes to having dogs in the office, here at Blue Whale Media, we also use them for marketing for our business. Making the dogs apart of our team and the company brand is a win-win situation for both! We love sharing our pups on social media, and it gets a lot of attention too. People enjoying seeing a more casual side to our business and it helps potential clients to get to know what we’re like and who’s involved in our office. If you don’t follow them already, our dogs have their own Instagram page too – We also include our office dogs on our website too, so they are everywhere!

Have We Changed Your Mind?

Now we’ve given you all the benefits of having dogs in the office, will you bring some furry friends into your workplace? Obviously, not every office can have dogs, but if you do have the chance we would recommend it! Don’t forget to keep an eye out for our office dogs on all our social media and our website.

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