Tips for Choosing the Best Website Domain

Tips for Choosing the Best Website Domain

Choosing the best website domain is much like choosing your business name. It involves considering all your options and giving it a lot of thought. When it comes to choosing your online identity, you’ll want to choose a domain that goes beyond just fitting your business. Whether you are a web design company in Warrington or a plumbing service, you need a domain that’s easy to look for and promote. Here are some tips to help you choose the best website domain for your business.

Go Easy

Choose a domain that’s easy to type. It can make or break your online presence. If you choose a word that’s hard to spell, has multiple spellings or is a slang/shorthand, it makes finding your website difficult for your customers.

Optimise for Keywords

Be sure to optimise your domain name for your primary keyword. For example, if you are a plumbing service in Warrington, you could choose And if you are a web design company in Warrington, your domain name could be

Target Your Location

If you are a local business, be sure to include your business location in the domain name. However, if you are a national business, you may not want a domain name that restricts you to a single location.

KISS (Keep It Short & Simple)

The longer your domain name, the more problems it creates. The chances of misspellings or typing errors are higher. The shorter your domain name, the better recall it has.

Avoid Complications

Avoid including anything in your domain name that could create confusion or make things difficult. For instance, avoid including hyphens or numbers in the domain name. They’re often misunderstood. If you really want to use these characters, buy a variation in addition to your main domain name.


There are hundreds of millions of domain names out there. So, be sure to have a domain name that’s memorable and catchy. Otherwise, your domain name will be lost in the crowd. Once you have thought of a domain name, ask your close friends for their opinion to ensure it is appealing and that most people are able to make sense of it.

Ask the Help of Your Web Design Company in Warrington

If you need assistance choosing the right domain name, there’s nothing like a professional’s advice. At Blue Whale Media, we would be happy to assist you in choosing the right domain name for your website as part of our web design services.

Contact us on 01925 552050 now for a free website audit and consultation.

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