Tips for Creating an Awesome Flat Design Website

Tips For Creating An Awesome Flat Design Website

Website design trends change with every season. Some stay for like ever, some fade into oblivion, and there are some that evolve with time, and get better and better. Flat website design falls in this last category. Our web design Warrington team just loves it. It is simplistic, has universal appeal and offers awesome user experience. The minimalist design transpires into quick loading websites that perform incredible well as well. Beat that.

So what does flat design exactly mean? How does a web design Warrington agency take flat design principles and give it form in reality? Here’s a look.

Go Colours – Top Tip From A Web Design Warrington Agency

Colours play a crucial role in flat website design. Of course, they are the reason for cool looking websites, but they are also very useful in creating depth. Flat design is all about two dimensional look. So the usual web design principles of creating depth don’t work here.

By experimenting with colours and shades – light foreground elements laid out on darker backgrounds – your web design Warrington team creates just the right amount of depth.

Make Clickable Links Stand Out

A common problem with flat design is that sometimes users won’t be able to distinguish between clickable links and those that aren’t. When conceptualising your website, web design Warrington experts will seek to distinguish clickable links. The most common way to do this is to shapes, frames and underlining.


Not all fonts are made equal. There are fonts, and then there are fonts. Your web design Warrington team will choose plain and simple fonts. Sans serif fonts are ideal for flat design. 

Go Iconic

Ask any web design Warrington expert, and he’ll agree that fonts are a mainstay of flat website design. They not only help visitors in making sense of the website, but they enhance a website’s visual appeal. But, the prime role of icons in flat websites is functional rather than aesthetic. Naturally, it makes sense to have icons that visitors can understand easily.

Get Rid of the Extra Effects

By now you’ve probably realised that simplicity is the most important feature of flat design. You’ve guessed it right. When you want a flat website, you’ve got to say goodbye to fluff. No cute animations, no sweet effects. But of course, you won’t need them. Your web design Warrington agency will create a flat website that’s just perfect. After all, less is more.

Contact us on 01925 552050 now for a free website audit and consultation.

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