How to use your website to generate leads

How to use your website to generate leads

Lead generation from websites has always been a goal which business owners and marketers aim to achieve. Websites especially the homepages which usually have a lot of visitors traffic because they are the first place any visitor lands, should be designed and developed in such a way to compliment the lead generation process rather than serve as a brochure. Web Design Warrington believes that such pages which are frequently visited should be optimized by the various methods to increase their lead generation ability. A number of the techniques employed in the generation of leads from websites include;


are displayed menus that suddenly appears on the screen of your computer without necessarily being selected by the user. They are a proven technique which is useful in lead generation and conversion of potential customers which is beneficial for the business. Web Design Warrington, however, advice the design of the pop-ups should take into consideration the timing and its plan to avoid becoming annoying to the user.

Exit pop-ups

These are pop-ups which are made using a technology known as exit-intent. They are displayed on the screen when the web user is about to exit the website. It presents an opportunity for the business to capture the user’s information which is highly likely especially if the page has been beneficial to the visitor. Exit pop-ups also have more details and influences visitors to remain on the website or in the very least give out their information.

Unique landing pages

These are customized webpages which are specifically designed to receive the leads which have been directed from the various social platforms. According to Web Design Warrington, these pages should be specific to the businesses campaign, and the critical elements of a landing page include the headline, introduction, visual characteristics, etc.

Sidebar opt-in

This has been classified as one of the oldest methods which are used in lead generation from websites. The sidebar opt-in feature displays a form which is intended to get subscriptions to the particular website. It is part of the main content of the page but very visible to convince the visitors to get into the offers which the business is giving away.

Feature box

This is a large banner at the top of your webpage which aims at making the site visitor subscribers to the website. Feature boxes are designed to be non-obstructive to the visitors which enables them to work relatively well compared to the pop-ups.

Blog posts

Blog posts are very crucial in any business website for leads generation and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The blogs present an opportunity for the business to post relevant and unique information which is beneficial to the visitors and further linking them to additional material which plays a role in the lead generation process. Web Design Warrington acknowledges that having a blog post-opt-in at the end of the blog may be beneficial in capturing the visitor’s information if they liked it and want to get more information.

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