VUS Limited


Slimcare Medical Portfolio

VUS Limited.

VUS Limited are an infrastructure and utility contractor, who specialise in cable installation, substation maintenance and project management.



More Traffic
More Conversions
Lower Bounce Rate
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What We Did.

Our website design team has created a brand new website for VUS Limited, with a visually appealing colour scheme that matches their logo which is used throughout the website pages. By matching the websites colour scheme to the colours of the logo enhances the brand awareness of VUS Limited and creates cohesion. 

We have included large headings within the background of each page which creates a sense of distinction. The use of shadows within the website design splits up the sections of each page and enhances the ‘need to know’ areas for web visitors. 

Our team created a custom mobile menu that gives a unique feel to the navigation when a user is scrolling through the website on a mobile device. Hover animations were also used on buttons within the website to give the user more interactivity throughout the website. 

Biggest Change.

The VUS Ltd new website is made for catching the viewers eyes. It shows the logo’s colour scheme throughout the website to be consistent with the branding and make the website very coordinated. Also, there are large headings used with backgrounds to give a sense of distinction per page and to catch the consumers attention. This makes the people viewing the website more likely to click on the headings and find out more information, resulting in potential new clients.

Custom Mobile Menu
Unique Design
Hover and Page Animations

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