Warrington Beauty Training Clinic

Warrington Beauty Training Portfolio

Warrington Beauty Training Clinic.

Warrington Beauty Training offers training courses for beauty treatments after spending years undertaking beauty treatments, their treatments and training courses are now geared towards bringing new and trending brow and lash techniques.



More Traffic
More Conversions
Lower Bounce Rate
Success Rate

What We Did.

Our design team created a whole new website for Warrington Beauty Training, which has an enhanced design and content layout. With eye-catching design elements, the website is fully responsive on all devices; we have also included elements that make the website easier to navigate which creates a better user experience. We included a unique use of lipstick marks on photos to give the website a sense of individuality and to tie the website in with the beauty industry.

The new website is an ecommerce website that showcases the courses offered by the company, both online and within their clinic. The website and content are clearly set out and neatly arranged so that it is readable for users and customers. We used background images to space out the website when the user scrolls so they are not overwhelmed with information. The custom-built mobile menu gives the user a unique mobile browsing experience when using a mobile phone or tablet.

Biggest Change.

The new website for Warrington Beauty Training Clinic provides the perfect solution for the business to build a strong brand identity. There are a few new features that have been added to the website, although the most noticeable change is the new custom mobile menu we created which gives a unique mobile browsing experience when using on smaller devices. We used a captivating swirly font throughout the website in order to give a sense of uniqueness to the overall design. These new features will help keep users engaged when browsing the website, resulting in successful leads.

Sticky Navigation
Custom Mobile Menu
Cart Functionality
Hover Animations

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