Blue Whale Media’s Website Hosting & Support Service

Blue Whale Media’s Website Hosting & Support Service

So, it’s finally complete, your brand-new beautiful website is done. All the weeks of detailed design and rigorous testing is done. What’s next? Well, first you need to host your website. Hosting your website in the right place is crucial. If you host your site in a place that is nor fully secure or poorly maintained, then you could run the risk of being hacked or website being down. If you find a suitable hosting provider, then you still need to put in place a plan for the support of your website.


At Blue Whale Media we host our client’s websites at UK FAST in Manchester. UK FAST is one of the UK’s leading website hosting providers with servers that are not just fast and secure, but they are also reliable. They have a support team that is just one call away. For those who are a little unsure of what website hosting exactly is, to host a website you look after someone’s website files on an online server.


Backing up your website on a regular basis is very important as you never know what could happen and if the worst comes to the worst then you need to be prepared. Blue Whale Media and its team pride our self on always being ready to handle any problem. We take daily backups of all our websites just in case. This way is something awful does happen we are here to help.


Updating your website is key to keeping it running fast and being secure. Like your smartphone’s software updates need to be done to keep them how we like them … Working! Unlike your smartphone, there is always a risk when updating your website as it uses plugins built by different people. Updating these plugins can cause them to misconfigure and break. We take a copy of the site files and host them on a dummy link/ test bed. We then update the website and run detailed tests. If it works, we update the real thing. If it breaks then your real site is still working while we create an alternative solution.


At Blue Whale Media we understand that things change and as times goes by your content may become irrelevant. It might be that you want your website to always be looking fresh and want new images each month. Whatever the reason we have your amendment covered within your support package. We actually allow one of amendment each month which is well enough to make the small changes you want. Usually, one hour of our time is billable at £50 + VAT which means the support package at £30 + VAT is 100% worth it!

Get in Touch

If your website has been built with us, then you have definitely been offered website hosting and support and hopeful this blog may have helped you decide. If your website is not built with us, we can still. Offering fast reliable and secure server hosting as well as the valuable expert time this service can be the foundations of your website. If this sounds like the service for then please call 01925 552 050 or email me!

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