Why Gardeners and Maintenance Professionals Need a Well Built Website

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Why Gardeners and Maintenance Professionals Need a Well Built Website

In the gardening and maintenance industries, having a place to display the high quality work and projects you have undertaken is massively important. You need to be able to reassure potential customers that your service is of a high quality and that their garden or property will be in safe hands with you.

Business is rapidly become digital, print based marketing is close to becoming obsolete as professionals from every industry focus their time and investment on digital based marketing.

The first step in any online or digital marketing strategy is a well built, responsive website. Professionals that invest in a great website have the opportunity to market their unique selling points, display projects they have previously undertaken and communicate with and attract new customers.

A Web Design Agency in Warrington That Can Help

Blue Whale Media is a web design agency based in Warrington that has been helping gardening and maintenance professionals, as well as members of several different business sectors market their businesses online.

We build websites that are visually engaging, highly functional and cost effective and would like to share with you three websites for clients from the gardening and maintenance industry.

CPS Landscapes

CPS Landscapes came to the team at Blue Whale Media in need of a website to market their landscape gardening services. Based in Brighton, the guys needed a website that would appeal to the local community and perform well amongst search engines.

We set out making a visually engaging website full of professional images of the gardening projects they had completed, we also included a gallery section that users can browse through at their leisure.

The website has been optimised through the use of on and off page SEO relating to the location Brighton. This meant making sure that the website contained optimised text with plenty of keywords included.

The content writing team at Blue Whale Media are currently running a weekly blog strategy to further improve the businesses’ ranking amongst search engines. 

North West Services 

North West Services came to Blue Whale Media in need of a website to display their services in plant training. The guys needed a website that projects a professional image for their company with all the information relating to their various training schemes and courses easy to find.

As well as pages for the various schemes offered by North West Services, we also included a page for testimonials from previous users of the service and a blog section which the company can now regularly update with their latest news.

The Facebook account for the Service has been integrated into the website through a running feed, this means that if the company updates their status or shares something important it will appear on the websites as well as the Facebook page.

Feel free to head over to the guys’ website and take a look for yourself.

Eco Pallets and Wood Fuels

Eco Pallets and Wood Fuels is a unique company that supplies 100% recycled fuel materials. To match their unique business idea, they needed a website that would make them stand out from the rest and grab the attention of web surfers not already familiar with their business.

The graphic design team really had fun with this particular project and of course incorporated the colour green into everything! Custom graphics, a sliding and animated image and an engaging overall aesthetic really set this website apart.

To increase communication between users and the website owners, the web design team at Blue Whale integrated both the Facebook and Twitter account of the organisation as well as including a custom contact form called ‘Ask Nigel’.

The end result for this site is a visually engaging, fun and quirky website that also works great.

So, Why Do Gardeners and Maintenance Professionals Need a Well Built Website?

To effectively market their service of course! Gardeners and maintenance professionals wishing to set themselves apart from the competition need to make the most of their website and ensure it looks great, functions brilliantly and also rank well amongst search engines.

Blue Whale Media can help make these requirements a reality.

Contact a Trusted Website Design Agency in Warrington Today

No matter what type of service you may offer, Blue Whale Media can build a bespoke, responsive and well designed website to fit your needs.

Give us a call today on :01925 552050 or drop us an email at: hello@bluewhalemedia.co.uk

For a free and friendly chat regarding the services we can offer your business. 

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