Wirecloth Sales

Wirecloth Sales Portfolio

Wirecloth Sales.

Wirecloth Sales & Development Ltd was formed in 1983. We are strategically based in Warrington, Cheshire, in the heart of the wire industry and the ideal distribution point.



More Traffic
More Conversions
Lower Bounce Rate
Success Rate

What We Did.

The website created for WireCloth is simple and showcases its services and products clearly for website visitors. The website is a complete website re-design of their original site, the new site is clean and easy to navigate. The website is interactive too as we included a homepage slider and buttons that are animated when the curser has hovered over them.

Our content team created SEO compliant content to ensure that each page was efficiently implemented with keywords and phrases. We have also written three blogs to enhance the website for SEO so that the website can be easily found by search engines.

Biggest Change.

As the Wirecloth website was a redesign of their old site, we wanted to make enough changes so customers would be able to notice the difference. The most noticeable change is the development of navigation. We’ve enabled users to easily search through the different pages on the website which will lead to more satisfied customers. Creating a website for the user is the most important thing to do in any web design project.

Full Screen
Sticky Navigation
Social Media
Custom Map

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