How To Write For Google Ads

How To Write For Google Ads

Your ad copy is the most important factor when creating an effective Google Ad. After all, it’s the first point of interaction between you and your customer. It’s what your customers use when deciding whether or not to bother with your website. In this blog, I’ll discuss some of the most important factors when creating copy for your Google Ad.


Probably one of the most important and yet overlooked part of ad copy is relevance. This includes relevancy to both your keywords as well as the landing page. Ad relevance is one of the factors when Google calculates your quality score. Make sure your ad copy also relates back to your landing page. If you’re talking about a specific product, such as pink dresses, make sure your ad actually takes users to a landing page for pink dresses. This increases user experience and the user will be far less likely to bounce as they are presented with what they expected.

Call to Action

Another way to link your ad copy back to your landing page is through a call to action. This can be anything you want the user to do, such as “call now”, “buy now” etc. Just make sure it is actually actionable on your landing page! This can be done through contact forms, online product purchases and other website functionalities that you need when using these call to actions.


Extensions are great for Google Ads. There are plenty of extensions available to you to include in your Google Ad. The more the merrier! Extensions increase your Google Ad’s visibility in the SERPs and give you the chance to include any additional information or services you may not have been able to include in your descriptions or headlines. An especially useful extension is the site link extension. This allows you to create multiple landing pages for one advert – great if you have multiple services or products to advertise.

Two other extensions that are always great to use are structured snippets and callout extensions, which allows you to provide extra information and promote extra services if needed.

Another useful extension is the price extension. You can inform users on the prices of your products and services before they even click on your advert – possibly diverting unwanted traffic which won’t convert or increasing traffic by people who are attracted to your prices.

Using extensions, generally, increase click-through rates and Google even prefers to show ads with extensions over those without. However, it is ultimately up to Google on how many extensions are shown, if any at all.


To conclude, hopefully, you understand how important your copy is when creating Google Ads and now you have some ideas on how you can create the best ad copy you can!

Blue Whale Media, as digital marketing specialists, provides a professional pay per click marketing service. Get your website to the top of Google results with our expert marketing team! Read more about our PPC service online or call us today on 01925 552050!

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