20 Best Free SEO Tools

20 of the best free SEO tools and software.

20 Best Free SEO Tools

Ranking higher in any search engine result pages is crucial for all types of business. To rank higher, you can use the help of many SEO tools readily available on the internet. Below, we have compiled a list of 20 best free SEO tools that you can use to help improve your local rankings. The best part is that all of these SEO tools are completely free and work amazingly to provide you the best results according to our own Liverpool SEO company.

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

Headline Analyzer is a free SEO tool created by CoSchedule. This tool helps assess the entire headline quality and analyzes its capability to increase traffic, SEO value, and social shares.

Headline Analyzer is a very popular tool amongst bloggers as it helps create headlines for a blog post, which can search results, drive traffic, and shares.

A great tip is to try aiming to score at least 70 for the entire headline in order to get better results and higher ranking on various search engines and social media.


Seobility is an amazing SEO tool that digs deep into your website to find out about all the SEO problems such as blocked pages, slow loading pages, sitemap issues, and other technical SEO problems.

This tool works so well, and you don’t have to pay a dime. It has features like a content report, crawling details, and optimization scores.

The essential arrangement of Seobility is free and permits you to screen up to 10 keywords, three contenders, and perform fundamental site structure and substance checks.

HubSpot’s Website Grader

Website Grader is a free online apparatus created by HubSpot. It reviews your website on key SEO measurements like execution and security.

The device additionally gives itemized steps and proposals to expand your site grade.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the best analytics apparatus on the web, and it’s free. It helps you to examine web traffic and other key information such as bounce rate, views on-page, and so on.

It provides you massive data that can help you upgrade your marketing strategies and improve your business.

Answer The Public

Answer the Public is an SEO tool that gathers queries and questions individuals scan for in web indexes. These inquiries are, for the most part, separated from Search engines’ auto-recommend results.

In the event that you’ve come up short on content thoughts for uploading on your blog, you can count on Answer the Public.

Using Answer the Public can help you create a huge amount of new keywords for your blog.

Google PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights by Google is a great SEO tool that examines various pages on your site and gives you many noteworthy proposals to make your site load quicker on all kinds of gadgets. This tool will definitely be of great help for businesses with a huge audience.

With quick loading of websites, consumers’ engagement also increases, thereby proving higher ranking results and returning consumers.

I Search From

I Search From is a valuable SEO-testing instrument that allows you to search through Google as though you were elsewhere.

With this apparatus, you can mimic utilizing Google Search from an alternate area or gadget, or play out a hunt with custom inquiry settings.


From an SEO point of view, HARO (short for Help a Reporter Out) can be utilized to fabricate legitimate backlinks from driving distributions and sites.

When you pursue HARO, you’ll get three messages for each day from correspondents all over the world, searching for sound sources to help expand their accounts. In the event that you react to these messages with content that applies to the writers’ prerequisites, you’ll manufacture excellent backlinks in a matter of moments.

Website Optimization Writing Assistant by SEMrush

Website optimization Writing Assistant is a free WordPress module, and Google Doc augmentation by SEMrush guarantees your content is written in SEO-accommodating style. The suggestions and investigation depend on your Google top 10 opponents for a given catchphrase or keywords.


GTMetrix is a great SEO tool used for speeding the website and enhancing its performance. The SEO tool which gives noteworthy hints on improving the stacking rate of your site.

Simply enter your URL in the inquiry box, and GTMetrix will create a nitty-gritty report, giving you a total image of your site’s speed and execution.


Browseo is a tool that allows you to view your website as to how web search engines see it by concentrating absolutely on the HTML part of a page. With this information, you can rapidly decide a page’s structure just as its significance for explicit pursuit terms.


MozBar created by Moz is a Google Chrome extension that lets you get immediate access to SEO bits of knowledge on sites and web crawler result pages without leaving your internet browser.

Alongside different backlink measurements, from this extension, you can likewise observe a site’s page authority and domain authority. 

MozBar is a much-need SEO tool for all content advertisers and SEOs. 

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is the best WordPress module to deal with on-page and specialized enhancement of your site and to refine your substance to make it more SEO-accommodating.

With Yoast, you can create an XML Sitemap for your site and make it simpler for web search tools to discover, search, and list all the pages on your website. Moreover, Yoast naturally refreshes your sitemap for you each time you add another page to your site.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a useful SEO tool that helps you to learn about your website’s clicks, impressions, and ranking on Google Search.

You can likewise utilize Search Console for crawling by presenting your XML sitemap and singular URLs. The tool will also send you alerts through email when Google recognizes issues on your site to ensure you fix them immediately.


LSI Graph causes you to find LSI catchphrases that are perfect for your subject and specialty.

LSIGraph utilizes Latent Semantic Value (LSV) to grade the LSI keywords. To rank higher in search engine results, pick the most elevated LSV keywords, and use them in your backlinks, content, and anchor text.

Broken Link Checker

Broken Link Checker is a free WordPress module that screens your blog for broken connections and advises you at whatever point there are broken connections or missing pictures on your website.

With this tool, keeping the website in-check becomes easier.


CanIRank is an SEO tool that gathers information and measurements from other SEO administrations. It includes a layer of AI insight on top to convey significant bits of knowledge, openings, and customized proposals.

The free arrangement of CanIRank enables you to create SEO reports and five keywords every month.

SEO Site Checkup

If you need to run a free site review and distinguish all the SEO blunders on your site, SEO Site Checkup has got you secured.  Simply enter your site URL and let this instrument dissect your webpage to create an itemized report on the SEO wellbeing of your site.

Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor is a great SEO tool that tests the comprehensibility of your substance and proposes changes to make your composing strong, clear, and concise. To utilize it, essentially glue your content, and the instrument will demonstrate your errors by featuring them in various hues.


Ubersuggest assists you with producing huge amounts of keyword proposals.

To generate keyword suggestions, simply type in the desired seed keyword into the query box. You can likewise sift through negative watchwords to ensure you’re utilizing the correct catchphrases for your business.

Wordtracker Scout

Wordtracker Scout adopts a remarkable strategy for keywords research.

It shows you the most widely recognized terms on a page. That way, you can head toward one of your rival’s pages and get the catchphrases they’re utilizing in their substance.