10 Best Web Design Podcasts for 2020

Top ten podcasts you should listen to so you can learn more about website design!

10 Best Web Design Podcasts for 2020

Learning never ends with web design, something many of our Manchester-based website designers have realised during their time working at Blue Whale Media. There are many developments in technology, and UI features have changed. There are many new fashions and styles of modern technology. Web designers get updates about new creations and events as they regularly listen to web design podcasts. Podcasts can help web designers get more knowledge from it. You can listen to it during your spare time or while doing work.

Below are 10 leading web design podcasts that will help web designers in many aspects of their work.

Developer Tea

Jonathan Cutrell is the host of this podcast. He is terrific about delivering ideas like coding, habits, career development, mindset, and he can solve your problems with his expert ideas. This podcast will help you to speed up your production and the insight and ideas to things that will make your work more satisfying. This podcast is for designers who want to listen and take ideas to enhance their knowledge during their coffee break or tea break.

JavaScript Jabber

This podcast isn’t for you if you do not enjoy working with JavaScript. You will know many things about JavaScript if you are a web designer because all the websites use this language. This podcast keeps the experts updated about ECMAScript.

You are required to know JS if you want to listen to this podcast. Here, you will master about building your career and how the JS community works. Almost all the episodes feature renowned guests, and they talk about new upcoming programming languages.


The hosts of this podcast are Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski. It imparts guidance to people who want to learn more about JavaScript and SCC based web development. Both the hosts are experienced and are experts in this field. Both of them are experienced in running online courses and can make complicated topics into easy parts, which the listeners can easily understand. This podcast is mainly for people who want to try creating designs with frameworks and codes.

Front End Happy Hour

This podcast is all about fun and work. It is for people who want to discuss ideas over dinner or a glass of drink. This podcast is published weekly. It interviews experts from managements like Netflix, Evernote, LinkedIn, and many more. It is where you can learn how these great developers got their ideas and concept from.

Responsive Web Design

Karen McGrane and Ethan Marcotte host this podcast. This podcast has guests who are the leaders in the design world. Their interviews are about different designs that they can implement on websites and discuss the strategies. They give a new and insightful perspective to perform on web designs.

Responsive Web Design is not an upcoming podcast, and they have not released a new episode in a while, but this show was popular among critics for many years. It is always good to go back and get insightful ideas from the 157 episodes that they have released.

Motion and Meaning

This podcast is for people who want professional and experienced design concepts to start a new website—hosted by Cennydd Bowles and Val Head, who have the expertise in UX choreography, web animation tools, and progressive enhancement. It talks about dynamic designs and the importance of movement in user experience.

Code Newbie

This podcast is one of the best if you are a beginner or starting your web designing business. Code Newbie talks about how a new company or a beginner is living their dream by creating and developing designs. The podcast showcases different topics, guidance, and gives inspiration. Code Newbie interviews programmers, developers, and people who have successes in the code world. 

Resourceful Designer

It is a blog and graphic design podcast. Designer Mark Des Cotes is the one who manages and designed this podcast. It is very resourceful and gives many tips for professionals. There are many episodes where he talks about how to find new clients, dealing with deadlines, and home office management.

Design Life

It is always good to stay updated and take notes from experts, even if one is a successful designer. Unfortunately, there are not many who host podcasts in the web design world. It is the reason why Charli Prangley and Femke van Schoonhoven created Design Life. This podcast discusses how to develop portfolios, landing new clients, the latest news in the industry. And most importantly, it talks about how women work in the tech world.

Design Details

It is essential to know different designs and their components. Every designer knows that small detail can change the user’s experience immediately. In this podcast, you will learn how a vast difference occurs when you change little things to develop or create designs.

Bryn Jackson and Brian Lovin host it. This show is for people who want a good time listening to a podcast. It not only gives insightful ideas, but it is also informal and fun. They invite experienced developers who help develop social sites like Instagram and developers of Stripe and Google Search.

The above podcasts are the ones that are trending and getting traffic. Some more podcasts are coming up and likely to rank in the coming days. Some of them are:

User Defender

This podcast focuses on UX. User Defender is becoming popular as they offer user experience and the role they play in digital design. Jason Ogle is the host of the podcast. He interviews world-famous UX designers from everywhere who provide a distinctive perception of how designers can connect their plans with end-users. This podcast is mainly for web developers.

Adventures in Design

Hosted by Mark Brickey, this podcast is more like a daily talk show. This podcast is for designers who want to learn more about the full aspect of design. It is useful for designers who need inspiration and up-to-date information. It provides knowledge to freelancers as well as professionals.

All the podcasts are free, but to listen to Adventures in Design, you need to pay a yearly or monthly subscription fee. If you can afford to spend some extra money gaining new and useful knowledge about designing you can always subscribe to it.