Drone Footage Warrington guide to new drone regulations that are being introduced in Summer 2020

Drone Footage Warrington guide to new drone regulations that are being introduced in Summer 2020

Drone Footage Warrington guide to new drone regulations that are being introduced in Summer 2020

In July 2020, new drone laws and regulations will come into effect across the UK and will affect anyone who flies or works with a drone. PfCO will be replaced by an upgraded system and three new categories of operations will be introduced. With such huge changes on the horizon, the Drone Footage Warrington team have compiled a guide to all the necessary information that you will need to know.

Know where you stand with Drone Footage Warrington

The new rules and regulations have been designed to be in line with the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and evolve the recently integrated Drone and Model Aircraft Registration Scheme that has been introduced by the UK authorities. These new rules will clear up any existing ambiguity surrounding commercial and non-commercial drone flights and will introduce a system that is based around the type of drone you fly and where you intend to fly it. Our Drone Footage Warrington team are licensed by PfCO and are able to continue to renew their permissions through them for the time being.

What are the new Drone Footage Warrington categories?

Under new regulations, there will be three categories introduced to classify drone operations. Our Drone Footage Warrington team have outlined the changed categories below:

  • Open Category: Include low-risk flights and operations. Open Category flights will not require expressed permissions but will have strict operational limitations.
  • Specific Category: Medium risk flights that will require authorisation from the NAA (National Aviation Authority) that will be based on a standard risk assessment.
  • Certified Category: Comprises of operations that are deemed high-risk and all classical aviation rules and restrictions will apply.

Will Brexit have an impact on the new Drone Footage Warrington rules?

Thankfully, the CAA took the time to clarify the situation and have assured both domestic and commercial drone users that they stand behind the plan to implement the new changes and categories on July 1st 2020. In the meantime, it is important to note that should the Government’s stance change, this will result in a revised plan. Our Drone Footage Warrington team will follow the CAA’s decisions closely to ensure that we are within legal limits.

What our Drone Footage Warrington team think of the new distinction between commercial and non-commercial operations

Perhaps one of the largest changes to expect in 2020 is the definitive distinction between commercial and non-commercial drone flights. To sum up the extensive changes, when the new regulations come into effect, drone pilots can expect a range of new risk-based categories that will distinguish the requirements of a commercial drone flight. Any legitimate business that is currently operate with a PfCO licence like Drone Footage Warrington will find that their current operations are in line with many of the changes.


If you would like to find more information regarding a professional Drone Footage Warrington company like Blue Whale Media, please follow the link below:
