The May 2020 Google Algorithm Update

The May 2020 Google Algorithm Update

Google algorithm makes numerous changes and algorithmic updates every year. Most of them are so slight that they happen to go entirely unnoticed. Nevertheless, the search engine goes through major updates occasionally that notably impact the Search Engine Result Pages, and it is important for any agency specialising in Manchester SEO to understand and track these important algorithm updates.

Firstly, what are Google algorithms?

Google algorithms are an intricate system used to acquire data from Google’s search indicator and instantly serve the best answers for a question asked/typed. The search engine uses an amalgam of algorithms and several ranking signals to give webpages according to their relevance on its result pages (or SERPs).

May 2020 Core Update

Google Search Liaison Danny Sullivan declared about the Google algorithm May Update, officially known as May 2020 Core Update via Twitter, on May 4th. It is the second update of 2020 from Google so far; the first launched in January.

The most frequently asked question searched by SEOs these days is “What is the most recent Google Algorithm Update?’ Google Algorithm Update is becoming a major trend because of the drastic changes it causes after each update. 

The search engine rolls out several algorithm updates every year, and yet, it announces only some of them that have big impacts on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

Users enjoy a better search experience and find more relevant results every time Google makes an update in its algorithm. However, SEOs are left with questions on why the updates cause fluctuation in their clients’ website search rankings.

What is the purpose of a Core update?

Vast Google core updates are made with an aim to affect search results across countries and different languages extensively. Websites can expect to notice inevitable loss or gains in their search rankings when there is a core update, where these changes are directly affected by the relevance of content.

This means, if a website already has content relevancy before the update, it will have higher rankings after the update. Likewise, sites with low relevancy will move further down in rankings. In simpler terms, rankings will move around. 

Now that the world has taken a turn after the coronavirus outbreak, search engines are seeing significant changes in the topics searched by users. Google noticed that COVID-19 is the most searched subject ever for a single topic, whether it’s about the virus itself, or buying essential products online.

There are several categories attaining relevancy that was not as relevant to users earlier. On the contrary, subjects like travel, events, and live entertainment that were once the most searched for are not being relevant anymore. Hence, rendering the May 2020 Core Update volatile.

Google is facing a not-so-usual challenge of keeping up with how users around the globe are searching, with the recent update. Although, we will find out if people have a smoother experience accessing their needed information through this search engine.

How is the SEO Job Market affected?

It’s evident that businesses and companies are laying off workers, and clients are putting their services on a halt. SEOs may be benefitted as their services are highly valuable every time there is an algorithm update. So if the May 2020 Core Update is licensed, the SEO market may see a noteworthy rise in their work demand.

What to do with the May 2020 Core Update?

As has been with all core updates, Google’s advice to website owners relating to the May 2020 Core Update is to make their website content as best as possible. The search engine says that there is nothing else that you can do to make up if your search rankings go down after a core update.

In other words, strive to make every part of your content the most relevant and elaborate resource for a user’s query on the internet. This will not only keep your current rankings up but benefit from other updates in the long run.

SERPs Volatility

Following the May 2020 Core Update by Google, SERPs’ volatility has skyrocketed. According to various data, there are significant amounts of “winners and losers” in the SERPs. News, business & industries, online communities, art and entertainment, sports, and so on are at the top of the “winning” category. While tourism, real estate, people & society, and many others have been adversely affected and are the “losers” in SERPs. 

Does the update target any site?

It is essential to be clear that Google’s core updates do not target anyone. An algorithm update may have a notable effect on any industry, but by no means is that industry particularly targeted.

For example, if users are looking for scientific answers for queries relating to health in their searches, 

Google ranks medical sites, and automatically, the sites with “natural” or “home” remedies are negatively affected.

Google tries not to rank sites with poor quality. The bottom line is whether a website fulfills a user’s search query. Google always ranks a web page, not of its relevancy.

Things to learn from the May 2020 Core Update

Don’t make rash decisions. Before you make any changes to your pages, it is crucial to wait for the search results to come to a pace. Please take note of the winner sites and comprehend how and why they made it to the top rankings. Rectify your SEO errors today, and as mentioned earlier, keep your content as relevant as possible to the topic.


Google has made a significant algorithm update. It is called a “core” update because it is a massive alteration to their algorithm, impacting thousands of sites. You now know how industries are affected and have also gotten a slight idea of how to keep your website rankings high. However, as each place is different from the other, there is no guarantee on what kind of impact your site will get. 

Google’s ultimate goal is to generate the most exquisite experience for searchers. If you are a website owner and are focused on providing the searchers with better content than your competitors, algorithm updates will surely only do you good in the long run.Â