Guidelines for writing content for your homepage

Guidelines for writing content for your homepage

The homepage is the first page most of your visitors will see; therefore, it’s the most crucial page of your website.

Its purpose is to grab the reader’s attention and help them find information quickly and easily.

If your homepage lacks facts or if the content is confusing, your visitors will click off before they get a chance to know you or your brand.

Here’s how you can make the content of your homepage come alive:

Keep it concise

Today’s web surfer has a short attention span. Homepage content needs to cut to the chase quickly or risk losing the reader. Tell the reader what your website is all about from the start, as well as being concise and focused. Content that is around 200-300 words should give you enough space to tout your biggest benefits and also encompass those all-important keywords.

Use keywords

Search engines use keywords to determine where to place your website in their directories. Make sure you write your homepage to include words that you most associate with your business. Do keyword research through various search engines, be sure to target a keyword that has a high search volume.

Provide specifics

Rather than giving broad generalisations about your company, it’s better to write specific statements such as ‘our service will increase your productivity by as much as 25%.’

Facts are more persuasive than ‘fluff,’ any content writer will tell you that offering data or testimonials can support your claims. You are more likely to gain visitor’s trust if you have testimonials on your homepage. 

Personalise your touch

More people will buy from you when they feel you are talking directly to them about their individual needs. Your content writing should be friendly and conversational; try to use simple words instead of jargon. It is also important to write content for your homepage as though your speaking to one person. Using ‘you’ and ‘your’ will help you to forge a connection between your visitor and your business.

Use headlined and subheadings

By using catchy headlines or subheadings means you can break up the content on your homepage and help guide the reader. They also make your page scannable for readers, meaning they are able to glance at your content in a few seconds. It is also a good idea to use keywords in your subheadings wherever possible, as they can help boost your position on search engines.

Proofread your content

Nothing detracts more from your professionalism than misspelled words or sentences that don’t make sense. Even the most experienced content writers proofread their content.

If you don’t feel that’s not a strength of yours, ask a coworker to look over the content for you. Alternatively, you can use an online application that can help catch the mistakes you might have missed.

Whenever your writing for your homepage, aim for clarity and simplicity.

With these tips, you are prepared to create compelling content that resonates with even the most flighty and time-pressed of internet readers.