How to advertise on LinkedIn (7 simple steps)

Seven reasons to advertise on social media

How to advertise on LinkedIn (7 simple steps)

Linkedin is one of the best online networking sites for professionals. If you are looking for a job or want to hire the best professionals, then this is the place to look for. You can also learn skills that can help you succeed in your career and strengthen your professional relationships. However, even with the right tools for a job, you may not get the desired results if you don’t know how to reach the target audience. So, we have listed seven simple steps for you to try when you post an ad on LinkedIn.

Use campaign manager

It is the advertising hub on Linkedin, which shows all your advertising activities. So it is always good to have a look at this first. It shows you all the information like:

  • Ad performance
  • Demographics of the people clicking on the ad
  • How many engagements your ad had with sponsored content

Additionally, the campaign manager is a great tool where you can:

  • Configure your ads
  • Run campaigns
  • Monitor progress of the ad

Select the managed or self-service campaigns

The quick and easy advertising on Linkedin allows you to get started with self-service campaign ads. It enables you to:

  • Run text ads
  • Sponsor content

Select an ad format

Linkedin offers three options for ads:

  • Text ads
  • Sponsored content
  • Both text ads and sponsored content

If you choose a sponsored content ad, it will appear on Linkedin member feeds. It can either be on the desktop, mobile, or laptop. You can also start promoting our top-performing updates on the company’s page for a broader audience. 

The text ads are simple. They are displayed on the top, bottom, or on the side of Linkedin member feeds. You can make them a bit more dynamic visually but, at the same time, keep the copy short and attractive.

Create the ads

For sponsored content ads, you can:

  • Select and update from your company’s page that you want to promote
  • Create a new sponsored content

For text ads, you can:

  • Specify a link on the ad that will open when clicked
  • Add an image
  • Give a brief description
  • Headline the image

Choose the budget

There are two options provided on Linkedin for bidding:

  • Cost-per-click (CPC)
  • Cost-per-impression (CPM)

The CPC is useful for directly related things like webinar registration, conversion, or lead capture. CPM is effective for brand promotion and awareness.

Target the audience

Linkedin allows targeted audience options based on first-party and self-reported information.

  • You can choose the criteria by opening the campaign manager.
  • It will show you the estimated size of the target audience on the sidebar.
  • You can also enable the Audience Expansion to find similar audiences through Linkedin’s algorithm.

Keep optimizing

The last step is to monitor and optimize the ads by frequently:

  • Reviewing the results
  • Stopping the low-performing ads, and
  • Promote the ads that are performing well