How To Build A Better Social Media Presence

How To Build A Better Social Media Presence

How To Build A Better Social Media Presence

Social media is one of the best ways to help boost your brand and boost your products. No matter what your brand is, it would help if you were on social media. If you are finding that you aren’t getting the most out of social media, read today’s blog to find out how social media could boost your brand.

What are your goals

Before you set your goals, you need to ask yourself why are you on social media. When you have answered this question, then you will be

able to set your smart goals. The best way to set your goals is by using SMART Targeting. SMART targets are essential to get right so you can get the most out of your social media. For example, your main overall goal might be to increase your engagement. So you can set your targets;

  • Specific: Chose what social media channel you are going to work on and what you want to get from the channel. Your goal could be to have more engagement.
  • Measurable: How are you going to measure your success. Are you going to see how much traffic your page gets or how much engagement your posts get?
  • Achievable: Make sure that your goal is achievable and realistic.
  • Relevant: Does your goal impact on your social media which is relevant to you and your goal.
  • Time-bound: Have a time on when you want to finish this goal, so it makes it easy to measure.

Know your audience

Now you know the goals you need to understand what your audience is. By breaking down, your audience will help you figure out the following points.

  • What social media platforms that you are currently active on.
  • How often you post.
  • What type of content you post.
  • What tone of voice that your brand has.
  • The information in your profile.

Some brands struggle with this because they are not sure what type of content is reticent to their audience. By posting more content that is relevant to your audience will help you to build your brand on social media.

Give your brand some personality

The worst mistake to make on social media is by having no personality. In today’s world, people want to get to know your company on a personal level. A lot of larger brands talk to their followers as if they know them and also add some form of comedy to what they post online. Doing this gives your company a personality that people enjoy and engage with.

By also showing who works at your company is a good way to show people the faces of who they are talking to. This could be pictures of team-building projects, office selfies or just a simple headshot.

Build relationships with people not just followers

Having more people who engage in your content is more important than having loads of followers who don’t engage with your content. This shows that you have better relationships with your audience. Retaining your followers is better than having more followers that don’t interact with you because this shows that they are more likely to buy more products.

To do this is to reply to messages that they send on your social media and also replying to comments that they have posted onto your posts.