Increase User Experience With Diagonal Lines


Increase User Experience With Diagonal Lines

If you’ve been sifting through websites for design inspiration lately, you’ve probably noticed the diagonal line’s latest web design trend. This website design style can transform a traditional website into a creative design by just simply tilting your content and giving it a modern edge with a professional website design company in Wigan.

As a digital website design agency, our web designers at Blue Whale Media are interested in the off-kilter diagonal lines that are becoming prominent in modern web design.

Diagonal backgrounds and slanted lines create a wonky feeling that draws the eye across the whole composition. It also creates natural “breaks” in page content and even offers a gridless feeling to the layout.

Lines within Web Design

A line is one of the most straightforward and most versatile elements of website design. Being a multi-faceted element of design, a line can make a shape, contour, define a boundary, create variety, express movement or motion and create focus through the direction. When it comes to designing websites, it is vital to understand how to lead a viewer’s eye to the crucial information on the page.

You can create communication through visual elements of varying size, colour, contrast, alignment, repetition, proximity, density and whitespace, as well as style and texture that create visual hierarchy and tells you which information is most important.

User Experience

Good User Experience (UX) is probably one of the most important factors when designing a website. In the web world, UX’s application is to determine a seamless user journey where web users are provided with a clean and natural flow through web pages or a specific process.

Why Is UX Important?

There is so much emphasis on user-centered website design now, enhancing the user experience within a website is extremely necessary.

At Blue Whale Media, our web designers understand the value of user-centered design, we make design decisions based on many things, but they have to add to the user experience not take away from it.

Why use a diagonal line?

Diagonal lines create a sense of movement and excitement in your design; they break up space in an unusual way and bring a modern feel to the screen. They also make you want to keep scrolling down the webpage. Separating sections of a homepage using sharper diagonal lines can be presented in a unique way. The diagonal line draws the eye of the user across the entire design, promoting interest and engagement.

UX-Driven Diagonal Lines

In past years, new website designs have featured straight, horizontal lines to separate sections on web pages. However, web designers are now using diagonal lines that give a clear and interesting path for the user’s eyes to follow down the page. The use of lines can help connect two points that are not physically connected, as the eye tends to connect them, creating what is called a mental connection.

Diagonal lines can take a “meh” design up to spectacular pretty fast. There is no single correct way to design slanted layouts for the web, although some techniques work better than others.