Manchester Careers Fair 2020: Business Functions in the North West

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Manchester Careers Fair 2020

A job fair can change your life, it doesn’t matter what stage you are in your career, attending a career fair can boost your job search. Attending a career or job fair is not just great for finding new prospects for your career but also a way of connecting and networking with similar people. At Blue Whale Media, our team has been looking at business functions happening this year throughout the North West of England and one that stood out is the Manchester Careers Fair.

The Manchester Careers Fair

Looking for a change in career or a new job can often be time-consuming and frustrating. At the Manchester Careers Fair, you can have an opportunity to speak to an abundance of local employers all in one place. This is not just for job-seeking purposes; you can network with these employers and gain further knowledge.

  • Variety. There will be a wide variety of different organisations attending alongside a wide range of job roles and networking opportunities being offered.
  • Speed. Online applications can be very time-consuming, by attending in person, you can skip this process and speak directly to the organisation.
  • Meet employers face-to-face. This gives you the chance to ask as many questions as you like and gain information about the company you could potentially start a career with.

Why You Should Attend

Careers fairs are normally organised in a large hall where potential employers will set up booths or stalls with members of their team to tell you about their company, what they do, their application process, and your questions about the industry job. Attending a career fair is the ideal opportunity for you to start making connections and to make those all-important first impressions.


Networking at a career fair isn’t just limited to employers; you could connect with other job seekers and become valuable resources. Career fairs can also be great for networking so you can show employers and other industry individuals what you can do, who you are and showcase your skillset.

Benefits Of A Career Fair

Without the presence of a formal job interview, it can be easier for you to give a more confident account of yourself to potential employers. A career fair is designed to help you gather further information from companies and explore future career opportunities. They often specify in certain industries, which means you’ll most definitely meet an impressive array of people and potential employers.

Important Tips

Keep these essential tips in mind if you do decide to attend a career fair at any point:

  • Prepare as though you are going to an interview. Also, make sure you have dressed appropriately, whatever interview clothes mean to you, wear them.
  • Research the event and company details ahead of time. You should find a list of companies on the event website; you’ll seem knowledgable about the organization itself, and, of course, you know how important it is to be prepared.
  • Bring your resume. Bring many copies of your resume because you’ll be handing it out a lot. If you have business cards, bring those, too.
  • Follow up with contacts. If you have a relevant conversation with a potential employer, make sure to follow up with a note or email thanking them for their time and advice.

A career fair is a great place to be if you’re confused about the direction of your career, but it can help you yo become confident about your career choices.