Victoria passes two courses in week 1

Victoria passes two courses in week 1

Victoria passes two courses in week 1

This month we have had a new started Victoria who is now working as our quality assurance officer as part of our admin team.

We have introduced this role to ensure that all the websites have a dedicated person to review them and pick up on any issues prior to them going to a client for final review.

We pride ourselves on efficiency and aim to get all clients projects live as quickly as possible, so instead of other members of the team conducting the reviews we have hired a new member of staff with this as their dedicated task.

GDPR Course

On the first day at Blue Whale Media Ltd we make all new employees undertake a GDPR course as ensuring customer data is safe is extremely important to us!

Cyber Security Course

Being a media agency, all our data is online which make it extremely important that our employees understand the important of cyber security. In addition to this we also run daily malware checks on all devises.