The Pros and Cons of Working in a Manchester Office

Blue Whale Media shares our insights about working in an office in Manchester

The Pros and Cons of Working in a Manchester Office

Working from Home vs Working from an Office: What’s Better for Business?

Working from home is a great way to save money and be more productive. You will be able to do your work in peace and you won’t have to worry about making mistakes or being judged. You will also have the opportunity to work on your own schedule and set your own hours.

Working from an office, on the other hand, is a great way to network with people and get access to resources that you might not find anywhere else. You’ll also get the chance to meet new people that can help you grow as a business owner.

The Things You Should Know When Searching for an Office Space in Manchester

Office space is the most important thing for any business and it can be a daunting task to find the right one. But when you know what you are looking for, it will be much easier. In this article, we will go through some of the things that you should consider before signing a lease agreement.

1) Location

The location of your office space is probably the most important factor to consider. It should be close to public transportation, have high foot traffic, and have access to amenities such as coffee shops and restaurants. This is important both for your employees as well as clients who may wish to have meetings with you in your office.

2) Cost:

The cost of an office space can vary greatly depending on its size and location which is why it’s important to find out what your budget is before going out there to look for an office space in Manchester. According to, the average price of a rented office in Manchester is around £22 per square foot – although this ranges from as little as £5.57 per square foot to as high as £325 per square foot.

If you are looking for offices in the Manchester area but can’t quite afford the fancy offices in Manchester Central, you can look at nearby areas such as Didsbury, Salford or Stockport.

What to Expect When Working at a Web Design Agency Office In Manchester

Working at a web design agency office in Manchester is not just a job, it is a lifestyle. The city of Manchester has been at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution and now with its growing tech industry, it continues to be an exciting place to work.

Since its early days, the city has been developing and refining new technologies and industries that have shaped our world as we know it today. The city is home of some of the most innovative companies in the world such as Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems and BT Group.

Manchester’s first industrial revolution was during 18th century with cotton mills being built all over the city. Today, Manchester continues to be one of Britain’s leading digital cities with a vibrant start-up scene.

From Blue Whale Media’s Manchester office on Swan Street, we are right in the heart of the city of Manchester and are a short walk away from two train stations: Victoria station and Piccadilly station. This gives our employees and clients plenty of travel options to get to our office whether they prefer to drive, get the bus or hop on a train. Since our office is in the famous Northern Quarter, we are also right on the doorstep of many famous cafes, restaurants and even bars (unfortunately we do not allow alcohol binges during work hours though!)