4 Fun & Festive Christmas Marketing Ideas for Social Media

4 Fun & Festive Christmas Marketing Ideas for Social Media

4 Fun & Festive Christmas Marketing Ideas for Social Media

We all know how hectic it can be around the festive season, especially when running an eCommerce business. Christmas is a time for cheer and celebrations. Not to worry about your next social media marketing strategy…

No fear, Blue Whale Media is here to save the day! We have created 4 fun and festive Christmas marketing ideas for social media.

Early Bird Catches The Worm (… or Christmas pudding?)

Our first tip for Christmas marketing would be to make sure you start early! Most businesses start planning their Christmas marketing in the summer months. Planning in advance means developing more strategic marketing ideas and having fun with your social media campaigns. This isn’t to say that you should schedule all of your posts in August and not bother with any more Christmas marketing for the rest of the year. Being reactive and taking part in trends is a great way to engage your audience; it helps you relieve most of the workload. So you have more time to decorate your Christmas tree and binge-watch your favourite Christmas films.

Christmas Giveaway? Who doesn’t love free things?

Christmas is a time for giving, so why not get in touch with your generous side this holiday season and conduct a Christmas giveaway? Giveaways are a great social media strategy to help draw in engagement, which can significantly benefit your social media marketing for Christmas. 

If you’re being strategic with your giveaway campaign, they are a great way to bring in new clients that may not have seen your posts organically. By including the instructions “tag someone who would love to win this prize” or “share to your Instagram Story and tag us.” Means your customers are doing the hard work for you! Their social media followers will be able to see your content and get involved. 

Christmas Video Content

Now, we’re not talking about the next Love Actually or directing a Christmas blockbuster. But creating fun and engaging Christmas video content is a great way to promote your products and business. Have fun with it and make a video to wish your customers a Merry Christmas or create short and digestible content showcasing your products and how to use them. Creating snappy Christmas content in advance can help you to reduce the stress of coming up with video content near Christmas. 

Get a New Look for Christmas

This is one of the easiest ways to incorporate festive fun into your Christmas social media marketing. Why not revamp your social media and create Christmas-themed social media banners/ profile pictures? Festiv-ify your logo with a fun Santa hat or sprinkle in a few snowflakes across the branding. 

There you have it, 4 festive ideas to get you ready for the Christmas rush! Want to find more festive inspiration? Don’t forget to check out our other blogs!