How To Choose The Right Screen Size For Website Design

How to choose the right screen size for website design

How To Choose The Right Screen Size For Website Design

Choosing the right screen size for your website design is essential for delivering an optimal user experience. It can be a daunting task for the uninitiated, but with the right skills and a bit of guidance, you can make sure your website looks great on any device. In this blog post, our web designers and developers from Derby will discuss the best ways to choose the right screen size for your website design.

Determining a Screen Size Range

When determining a screen size range for web design, it’s important to consider the device types you’re targeting. Are you primarily designing for phones, tablets, or desktops? Knowing the device types that will be accessing your site will help inform your decision on which size range to include in your design considerations. Using media queries, web designers can adjust the design of a website depending on the device type. This type of responsive design attempts to optimise the website user experience for each device, allowing for an optimised user interface with tailored content according to the size of the device. Responsive media query design can be a powerful tool for web designers, but it is important to consider which media queries will be used. In this way, web designers have the ability to create websites that are both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional on different devices.

Next, use your choice of website analytics to determine what device types are actually accessing your website. This data can help you identify which sizes are used most often and should guide your design decisions accordingly. Google Analytics is the most common choice of website analytics, you can easily view your breakdown of mobile, desktop and tablet users from your property’s main dashboard. 

It’s important to consider whether certain sizes are over-represented or under-represented to ensure that all of your users have an optimal experience on your website. By taking into account these analytics, you can up-level your website design with a more flexible and responsive web design. This will allow your site to be optimally viewed on any device, from desktops to mobile phones. With responsive web design, you can create a website that is tailored to all users, catering for their individual needs and preferences.

Finally, take into account any changes that could occur in the future such as new device types emerging or existing devices being updated with larger screens. Designing a flexible website that is able to accommodate these potential changes will ensure that users continue to have a great experience on all devices in the future. Meanwhile, website design should not be a static process. Take into account any changes that could occur in the future such as new device types emerging or existing devices being updated with larger screens. Designing a website that is flexible and able to accommodate these potential changes in size and technology will ensure that website users continue to have an optimal experience in the future.

Optimising Design for Different Screen Sizes

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to web design is ensuring that your design looks good and works seamlessly on any device or screen size. This can be especially tricky as web development tools change and web browsers evolve. To achieve optimal web design, web developers need to take into account the different web browsers, operating systems, and devices which may be used to access your website. This requires web developers to have an understanding of web development frameworks such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript in order to create a user experience that works for all devices. By utilising web development best practices, web designers can ensure that their web design is accessible to all users no matter the device or screen size.

To do this, your website needs to be responsive — which means it needs to adjust itself automatically to any screen size, from large desktop screens all the way down to mobile phones. Responsive web design is becoming increasingly important in modern web development, as web pages must adjust to any device and screen size. When designing web pages, it is important to create a website that is responsive – thus allowing the web page to automatically adjust itself to any type of device, from large desktop computer screens all the way down to mobile phones.

Testing & Troubleshooting Responsive Layouts

Testing and troubleshooting responsive layouts is an important aspect of web design, as it ensures that the website works properly and looks great on any device. The web development process should always include a thorough review of the web design, as well as robust testing of web page elements across multiple web browsers, devices and operating systems. Testing can include ensuring that web page elements such as navigation menus, text boxes, images and videos are correctly resizing to different screen sizes and testing for any potential errors in web page functionality. Regularly reviewing web design helps to ensure that the website continues to operate as intended and provides users with a consistently great experience regardless of the device used.

Responsive layouts help provide a consistent user experience and ensure that the website looks great regardless of the device being used, from desktop to mobile. Similarly, responsive web design is essential to ensure the user experience is consistent across all devices. Responsive layouts help to create a unified look regardless of the device being used, from desktop to mobile. Responsive web design allows websites to be viewed on any screen size, as well as any resolution, providing users with an optimal viewing experience on any device.

Utilising Smart Design Strategies

Smart design strategies are essential for creating a polished, effective website. By leveraging features such as consistency, readability, and user-friendly navigation, you can create a website that is intuitive and easy for users to navigate and interact with. It is important to ensure website design works harmoniously with the website’s content to create a website that appeals to users. This includes choosing the right fonts, colours, and layout elements to create website consistency and readability. Furthermore, website navigation should be designed in a way that makes it easy for users to find the website’s content. When website design is leveraged properly, it can help boost website usability, conversion rates, and overall user experience.

Additionally, incorporating design elements such as bold typography, custom illustrations, and white space can help to give your website a unique aesthetic that sets it apart from the competition and helps to create a positive user experience. In conclusion, web development and web design go hand-in-hand in order to create a web page that is attractive, easy to use, and functions properly. Incorporating design elements such as bold typography, custom illustrations, and white space can help to create a web page that stands out from the competition and provides users with an enjoyable experience.


To sum up, there are many factors to consider when choosing the right screen size for your website design. You must consider the audience and their preferences, the device types that people are most likely to use to access your site, and the content you plan to provide on each device. By understanding these factors and optimising accordingly, you can ensure a great user experience regardless of device.