Top 20 SEO WordPress Plugins

Top 20 SEO WordPress Plugins List

Top 20 SEO WordPress Plugins

WordPress plugins can be incredibly helpful when you’re building an SEO-friendly website. They provide you with additional customization and help you rank better than your competitors who are already using WordPress. 

Let’s take a look at the top 20 SEO WordPress Plugins that can help your business thrive:

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is usually known as the best WordPress plugin for SEO. It allows you to craft better meta-description and page titles along with schema implementation. You will also find a readability analysis that will help improve your overall content. 

All in One SEO Pack

All in One SEO Pack in the most downloaded WordPress plugin for SEO. It features an XML Sitemap that helps search engines like Google and Bing to crawl through your site. This plugin also comes with Google AMP, which allows your website to load much faster when using a mobile device. 


SEOPress is a simple yet one of the most powerful WordPress plugin that you should use while building your website. It comes with a ton of features like improving organic traffic, social sharing, schemas mark-ups, managing 301 redirects, and optimizing your website’s breadcrumbs.

Rank Math

Rank Math is one of the more user-friendly plugins you will find for WordPress. It is simple and very easy to use. It also features a setup wizard that allows you to import data from different SEO plugins. With the help of Rank Math, you can optimize your website without the need for additional plugins. 

All in One Schema Rich Snippets

All in One Schema Rich Snippets is the plugin to have if you want your web pages to appear on the first page of search engine results. This plugin will show the summary of your page in search results, known as rich snippet, which is great for increasing organic traffic. 

Broken Link Checker

Broken Link Checker is a great tool that helps you scan your websites to find any broken links that can be hurting your business. It can also fix those links without making any changes to your page.

WP Rocket 

Having a high-speed website is essential for any SEO page. But setting up a page that loads data at faster speeds can be very complicated. This is where WP Rocket comes into play. With this tool, you can easily set up your page cache without any of the technical stuff. This makes your work much easier and your page much faster.

Google Analytics Dashboard by MonsterInsights 

This tool by MonsterInsights helps your SEO page by showing you all the important data like where your page visitors are from and what they do on your website. It also shows you your top pages and how you can improve your content.

The SEO Framework

The SEO Framework is a great tool to help you improve your content. It comes with a colored scale that indicates the score of your page in terms of SEO friendliness. This tool also shows you which part of your content is lacking and how you can improve them.

SEO Squirrly

The SEO Squirrly tool works like a real-time expert that is there to help you in building your page. When you type in your topics and keywords, it will turn on some lights like green and red to indicate how you’re doing.

Rel NoFollow Checkbox

Your rankings in search result pages hugely depend on the quality of backlinks you have. So to ensure that the links on your website are not spammy, you should install this plugin. The Rel NoFollow Checkbox tool will help in preventing spammy links from impacting your website.


WordLift is a great tool to have if you are a marketer or a content editor. It comes with an AI feature that helps you to structure your data mark-up and organize them as you write.

Google XML Sitemap

If you want your page to rank on Google’s search result, you will need to have it indexed by Google itself. And to do that, you will need the Google XML Sitemap tool. This tool automatically creates a sitemap for your website while you’re building it, allowing it to pop up under Google’s radar more easily.

W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is another tool that you should have when building an SEO website. It can be a great alternative for the WP Rocket plugin, which we have already discussed above. This tool helps in increasing the speed of your website and also improves user experience. 

All in One WP Security & Firewall

The All in One WP Security & Firewall tool shows you how protected your website is and how you can make it more secure. If your website is not secure, Google will also warn your visitors, which could potentially drive away traffic. So you need to have this tool and make your website as secure as possible from both hackers and Google’s algorithm.

WPtouch Mobile Plugin

The WPtouch Mobile plugin can easily make your page mobile-friendly, which is vital for an SEO page. The best thing about this tool is that it’s very simple and you won’t need the help of an expert.

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) is an excellent tool that keeps your visitors engaged with the help of related posts and contents. If your website has a low bounce rate and long dwell time, it will do exceptionally well in the search engine result page. 

SEO Optimized Images Plugin 

This plugin for SEO Optimised Images is great for optimizing images on your eCommerce website. It lets you add titles and texts on the images so that search engines can find them for image search.

Easy Table of Contents 

Easy Table of Contents is a simple tool that lets you add a content table at the beginning of your blog. This makes it easy for your audience to navigate through your content, making it a great SEO tool.


Redirection is a WordPress plugin that allows you to implement 301 redirects. This method is used for transferring your link equity to a redirected page. You can use this method when your original site is not functioning. 


These are some of the best WordPress SEO plugins that you can implement on your next blog or website. Hopefully, this article has been helpful for you. Keep in mind that you don’t have to install each and every one of these tools. They can be used separately.